Fat Lazy Dragons
Logic Terminology used for Low Check names

(INCOMPLETE - has only first six dragons)

Am Big You Es = Ambiguous

Begg, the Red Dragon - Begging the Questions

Bogus D. Lemon - Bogus Dilemma

Card Stacker = Common name for stacking the evidence in your own favor

Circle Us In Pro Band O. - circulus in probando is Latin for Vicious Circle

Con Tin You Um - Continuum

Cuz, the Green Dragon = Non Cuza Pro Cuza = Non Causa Pro Causa

Dis Track Shun = Distraction

E. Quiver Kay Shun = Equivocation

E. Rail Town = I. Rail E. Vent = Irrelevant

Ergo - middle term in both "post hoc ergo propter hoc" and "cum hoc ergo propter hoc," the principle green fallacies

Eva Dense = Evidence = Final word Ignoring the Counter Evidence and Suppressed Evidence

Fake Pree Sis Shun - Fake Precision

Fat Lazy = Fallacy

Fay Lacy = Fallacy

Fibber - just means liar, someone who tells fibs

I. Rail E. Vent = Irrelevant

Ig Nore = First word in Ignoring the Counter Evidence

Igg Nore Ring the Counter Eva Dense = Ignoring the Counter Evidence

Ignore A. She O. … L. Lynn Chee = Ignoratio Elenchi

Ignore A. She O. … L. Lynn Key = Ignoratio Elenchi

Lake Lynn = Ignore A. She O. … L. Lynn Key = Ignoratio Elenchi

Low Check = Logic

Low Dead - Loaded Question

M. Fee. & Bowl E. = Amphiboly

Mon O. Sider = Mono sided = One sided

Non Cuza Pro Cuza = Non Causa Pro Causa

One Sider = One sided

Perf, the Black Dragon = Perfidy

Petey Tee O. Prince Sip E. - Petitio Principii is Latin for Begging the Question

Pre Sump Shun - Presumption

Prop Ah Gand Ah = Propaganda

Prop Tour Hock - the last phrase in both "post hoc ergo propter hoc" and "cum hoc ergo propter hoc," the principle green fallacies

Quiver, the Brown Dragon = E. Quiver Kay Shun = Equivocation

Reg Ress Shawn = Regression Fallacy

Sheik See Quin Chul Non Sequa Turs - Sequential Non Sequitars is another name for a slippery slope

Slippery - the snake from Slippery Slope fallacy

Slope - the Yellow Dragon from Slippery Slope fallacy

Sup Pressed Eva Dense = Suppressed Evidence

Tex Sharp Shooter = Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy (Green)

Track, the Blue Dragon = Dis Track Shun = Distraction

Vicious Circle - Vicious Circle Fallacy