We need your help. Below are some ways you can help us.

Prayer Partners

The most important thing we need is your prayers. We have a list of standing prayer requests here. We also publish a weekly prayer request list via e-mail, with more specific and personal requests. Please contact Pastor Thor at pastor@tntcarden.com if you would like to be added to the distribution list. If you are willing to make a commitment we could assign you to a particular person who works in our ministry for you to send encouraging regular e-mails, reminding that volunteer that you are praying for them and this ministry.

Lesson Responders

Our most urgent practical need right now is for volunteers to answer lessons. If you are a Christian with access to the internet and an e-mail account you are qualified. It takes only a few minutes to learn how to process lessons from our students and usually about twenty to thirty minutes to respond to a lesson. We take care of the printing, envelopes, and postage. Basically all you will be doing is writing e-mails talking about Jesus Christ, the Bible, and what you believe. Even if all you have time for is one a month, we would be grateful for your help. You will not be responsible for any particular students or courses.You can answer one lesson a month and still be helpful to us. We don't mind people trying it out and then deciding it is not for them. Find out more here...

Proof Readers

Only about a third of the lessons have been checked for errors by anyone other than the author. All you would have to do is read the lessons and let us know if you find anything wrong like spelling, grammar, or ambiguous statements. If you are interested in proof reading the lessons please contact Pastor Thor at pastor@tntcarden.com


We illustrate the lessons with purchased clip art and "freeware" clip art. The licenses restrict us from distributing the lessons in all the ways that we would like. We would love to have a volunteer to do the art work over without these restrictions. If you are an artist and would like to help, contact Pastor Thor at pastor@tntcarden.com


We have several Bible courses written that need to have the information copied into a single MS word document from several sources and put into printable format. To help, please contact Pastor Thor at pastor@tntcarden.com


There may be other ways you can assist. We recommend you become a prayer partner first, and then as you begin to understand what this minisitry is about, perhaps God will show you how you can help. If you have an idea of something you would like to do that might help us along, please let us know at pastor@tntcarden.com.


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