Fat Lazy Dragons
Book III Cuz - the Green Dragon

Full name Non Cuza Pro Cuza - False Effect, which is just false cause in reverse.

False Cause Fallacies are committed when the cause of something is falsely attributed to something without sufficient evidence. Like someone saying that the warm weather in the Spring is caused by the trees turning green or the sun comes up because the rooster crows.

The Mailman is another character that will reappear at the climax of the story.

How reasonable is the mail vehicle? Have there ever been any steam powered cars that shared the street with other automobiles?

Reg and his men have names associated with green fallacies.
Reg Ress Shawn = Regression Fallacy
Tex Sharp Shooter = Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy

How does the logging industry really work?

How old are the tallest California Redwoods, and how do they know? How tall are they?

The Battle with the Green Dragon

Cuz tries to avoid the fight but has too much pride to just ignore the dragon slayers.

First Cuz makes fun of them, "I'm so afraid." "So slay me already ..." This is appeal to ridicule, the Horse laugh fallacy (Blue) and then Cuz commits an ad hominem attack on the monkey, by calling him names. (Blue) However, technically these are not logical fallacies because they are not made as part of an argument. They are just rude.

High commits an amphibole by not making it clear what he was referring to when he said "That is am matter of opinion." Cuz takes advantage of it for her ad hominem attack mentioned above.

Lug advises patience and it works. The dragon's own pride eventually overcomes her patience, determination and wisdom.

Jay challenges any assertion unsupported by evidence and although the dragon does not answer at once, later we see she was listening to him, and it was bothering her.

Cuz says "Those outlaws brought these dragon slayers here." After this, because of this fallacy. (Green)

Cuz said, the outlaws, "... came with you, so I know you are outlaws, too." Association fallacy aka guilt by association (White Cloud)

Cuz tries a little intimidation which looks a little bit like an appeal to fear (Blue) but like the ones above, it is really just rudeness, since it is not part of, or in place of, an argument.

Cuz said, "They carry weapons with them everywhere they go. Only bad people need to do that." Presumption (Red)

Cuz said, the outlaws start carrying weapons until they became outlaws." After this, because of this fallacy (Green)

Jay refutes the last two arguments on the basis that together they form circular reasoning. (Red)

Cuz asks a loaded question, "Then how did you get the mailman to give you a ride. He has never given anyone a ride. He even has a sign that says, "No Riders." Presumption (Red)

Cuz said, "I do not have to explain myself to a little boy, but if you knew the history of this region you would know that the trees are tall because of me and I brought prosperity to the region." Ad hominen (Blue) followed by two "green fallacies which she repeats in more detail below.

Cuz said, "If you looked at a map you would see that all the big trees are clustered around my lair. Obviously they grew tall because I am here." With this, therefore because of this fallacy (Green) but Jay refutes it because it is also a plain lie (Black).

Cuz said, "The prosperity started the day I arrived. The orders for lumber just started pouring in." After this, therefore because of this fallacy (Green) but Trudy refutes it because it is also a plain lie (Black).