Fat Lazy Dragons
Book II Track - the Blue Dragon

Dis Track Shun, or Track for short, spins her spells with fallacies of distraction. (Also called fallacies of irrelevance) This is perhaps the largest family of fallacies. None of the dragons demonstrate examples of all their respective fallacies, but this is especially true of the Blue Dragon, because there are so many in his category.

Jay is misled into thinking the names Track and E. Rail meant there was a railroad to be found in Low Check. Apparently he has not learned his lesson yet about the equivocation.

"Red herring" is the common name for fallacies of distraction so the fishermen catch red herrings in the lake. Are red herrings fresh water fish?

There is fallacy of distraction commonly called the straw man fallacy, where the response to an argument is to a different argument than the actual argument that was made. Straw men guard E. Rail town.

Is there such a thing as a black gull?

The Battle with the Blue Dragon

High commits the equivocation fallacy between "everyone" and "people" (Brown)

(The conversation about skipping the battle and trying the key with the dragon still alive becomes important later.)

Track says, "No one objects, do they?" - Appeal to Fear Fallacy (Blue)

Track says, "That many voices can not be wrong." - Bandwagon Fallacy (Blue)

Calling the Mayor to Testify - Appeal to Biased Authority (Blue)

Mayor's testimony about efficacy of straw men - Assertion Contrary to Fact (Black)

Track says, "You are just a little boy, what do you know about anything?" - Ad Hominem (Blue)

Track says, "It looks like to me you try to frighten people, too. Isn't that a sword you are wearing?" - Tu quoque (Blue)

Track says, "I have to expect that from someone who hangs around with those who shrink and then eat dragons." - Association fallacy (White Cloud)

Track says, "I already told you. I protect them from the Valkries, make sure the fish are plentiful, and keep away small dragons and other pests. If you will not believe the authority of the mayor, you are just showing that you a stubborn child." Ad Nauseum (Blue)

Track says, "Do you see any starving people here?" Ignoratio Elenchi (Blue)

Track says, "My sister died only yesterday, and her killers are here today attacking me. Don't you know how blue I must feel?" Appeal to Pity (Blue)